::click me::

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Date: 12th October 2009
Route: KLIA-Nilai
Plat No: NBT5259
Time: 2200hrs.

The bus stopped at KLIA Petronas Station. The bus driver asked me to stop using Minyak Kapak in his bus. His actually raised his voice at me!

I asked ,'Kenapa??!'

He said ,'Ini bas saya, suka hati saya la!'

What a jerk!

He is an Indian. Not that i have anything against Indian race. In fact, my team mate is an Indian, she is a lovely Indian girl. I have no issue with Indian people but why do you care about me using Minyak Kapak??

Please do respect your customer. We are human being too. And please remember, keep in mind, you are just a bus driver!

NBT5259. What a PIG!