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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Me soooo FAT!

I hate to say this, but the truth is - i am fat.

I always have this problem since i joined labuan taekwondo team back in secondary school years where we have to maintain our weight accordance to our own weight class category. I remember that i am in lightweight where i had to maintain my weight between 49-52kg (junior division).

How great was that?! 49-52kg! i must be jumping up and down if i still have such weight. We used to jog around Botanical Garden in Labuan, those days - i hate it, because i can't stand the training but i had to go because i was in the team. Our trainer was so strict, we had to run, we had to climb up and down the stairs, non-stop sparring. My taekwondo outfit is always dirty, damp because i sweat too much during training. Bruises here and there.

Looking back, would it be just wonderful if i keep jogging and of course, at least, that would not make me fat! A day before tournament or 4-5 hours before tournament, our weight will be taken, and if weight exceeds the class category, we'll be forced to run until we get back into the weight category or else, dismiss from the tournament.

Talking bout this, i miss those days where i have a good healthy body, and TAEKWONDO. I miss that! I miss my taekwondo friends. We had lots of fun during our taekwondo years.

One thing that really hit me rock bottom up til today is the part when i quit taekwondo, just months before the Sukma games. I was in that Sukma team - training like hell for a year, and i quit. I got all the sport outfits and i quit. I was lucky enough Master Lim did not fine me, he could have had me fined legally because i breached the contract. Yet he didn't. Thank God.

Personal issue, that was the reason.

Anyway, i called my father this morning. He told me that my sis Suzan is in good shape now. Really? And so i asked my other sister, Judy. She said daddy was telling the truth. Suzan is losing KG. She lost 10kg in 2 months.

*envy thoughts - go away!*

I want to lose 'them' too. I hate my FAT. And so i called Suzan, moments ago - she told me a few tips and on top of that - the magic 'ingredient' is HERBALIFE tea mix of lemon and hibiscus.

I WANT!herbalife Pictures, Images and Photos

I want to get back in shape before Christmas. i want to surprise them too that i can do just like what Suzan does.

Good for her, but then totally not good for me. They will definitely say - The Fat Sister.


This is what i call motivation.

Starting today.... erm, it's already almost dinner... erm, forget today. Let's start tomorrow then. It is time to starve and only STARVE!

Finger crossed. Let's hope for the best.