Jezzzzzz..............! I really have problem using this laptop! I typed and next thing i know, all is gone!
I hate it. Well, forget it. Let's start over.
Carlos, the cat is really bugging me at this very moment. He is curious with what i'm doing. He keeps on hopping onto the keypad.
Ignore him. He's on my chest right now and watching every single word i typed on the screen with his little round curious eyes. As much as it being little naughty all day, he is still a darling to me. What a cute little creature.
Oh yes, it passed midnight, today is Sunday - Happy Easter everyone!
Well, we have all things planned for tomorrow... oh, not tomorrow... but today!
First of all, we are going to Gaya Street. Then jalan jalan for a while before going to my uncle's house at Tampasak. I don't really know why we are going there but according to Judy, we are going there to pukul gong. They just bought one set of gongs and it is time to pukul the gong. Traditionally, they said if we never pukul the gong after buying it, it will never make a sound out of it - it's more like BISU to them.
I don't know. It's something that i find unexplainable and of course, ridiculous in some ways. But hey, i am a Kadazan - i grew up with traditions and superstitious beliefs around me. All religions and races do have their very own traditions.
Unexplainable. Hmmmm....
It's 1:30am. i am not that sleepy yet, but i think it is time for to go to bed.
Have to make one more short call to my darling Hobs. Just to say goodnight.
Oh... about the hamster babies, out of 8 babies - now left only one baby. Well, it's okay. First born normally like that, i guess. Hobs was a little worried though. :)
p/s : i miss my dad. Happy Easter, Daddy. & love you, Hobs!